
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Darren Gaudry| Quick List of Debt-Busting Ideas

The Darren Gaudry Debt-Busting Idea List

So, many of you have been emailing me about eliminating debt and building wealth. I was sitting here thinking about all the ways we waste money and thought I just throw it here for all of you to review.

List of Debt-Busters from Darren Gaudry

1. Get Basic Cable
2. Buy a Internet Plan from Your Cell Phone Company
3. Eliminate 'movie night" and have a 'book night" at home
4. Have a pot-luck dinner party at your home
5. Un-plug all electrical items in rooms you don't use - un-plug extra phones; unplug unused lamps, etc.
6. Brown bag it for lunch
7. Perform some Mani-pedis at home
8. Grocery shop in bulk when you can
9. Wash clothes at night when electricity rates are lower
10. Turn lights and television off at night; many people sleep with the TV going all night and drives up electric bills

So, that's just a start at the Darren Gaudry Debt-buster list; but all the money saved can be applied to paying off debt and then, once paid off, all that extra money can go towards building your wealth.

If you haven't read my previous posts review them now;

Darren Gaudry Debt Busting Plans
Darren Gaudry Wealth-Buster and Debt-Busting Guru
Darren Gaudry | Are You Motivated to Build Wealth?
Darren Gaudry Wealth Building Tips


  1. Impressive! These are things you can get up and put in motion right now. I like - a lot!

  2. We tend to rally in excuses, and this is a good list of ideas that can be started quickly. Great List!
