
Monday, April 22, 2013

The Latest from Darren Gaudry - Build Wealth with Wise Spending Habits First

The  Latest from Darren Gaudry

Unless you are born into wealth, it doesn't often happen overnight, so my latest post - from the Darren Gaudry Living Life to the Fullest vault is some advice before your journey to build wealth; adopt wise spending habits first.

Why do I give this advice and why should you take the latest advice from Darren Gaudry? For two reasons;

  1. You cannot successfully build wealth if all you do is spend. How do expect to save any money?
  2. Once you build the wealth, you need to learn how to keep it!

How many trips to the grocery store to you make for milk and bread, only to return home with $50 worth of groceries? Even with a list some people find it difficult to stop the impulse shopping. this

I'm not saying everyone should live a frugal no-nonsense buying existence, but there is no way you can build a hellava bank account if you spend, spend, spend.

I suppose if you're a millionaire this really doesn't matter, but then again, a millionaire probably wouldn't be seeking ways towards building wealth.

Till the Next Time

 Darren Gaudry

By the Way, have you read my prior posts from Darren Gaudry - Motivated to Build Wealth

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Darren Gaudry| Quick List of Debt-Busting Ideas

The Darren Gaudry Debt-Busting Idea List

So, many of you have been emailing me about eliminating debt and building wealth. I was sitting here thinking about all the ways we waste money and thought I just throw it here for all of you to review.

List of Debt-Busters from Darren Gaudry

1. Get Basic Cable
2. Buy a Internet Plan from Your Cell Phone Company
3. Eliminate 'movie night" and have a 'book night" at home
4. Have a pot-luck dinner party at your home
5. Un-plug all electrical items in rooms you don't use - un-plug extra phones; unplug unused lamps, etc.
6. Brown bag it for lunch
7. Perform some Mani-pedis at home
8. Grocery shop in bulk when you can
9. Wash clothes at night when electricity rates are lower
10. Turn lights and television off at night; many people sleep with the TV going all night and drives up electric bills

So, that's just a start at the Darren Gaudry Debt-buster list; but all the money saved can be applied to paying off debt and then, once paid off, all that extra money can go towards building your wealth.

If you haven't read my previous posts review them now;

Darren Gaudry Debt Busting Plans
Darren Gaudry Wealth-Buster and Debt-Busting Guru
Darren Gaudry | Are You Motivated to Build Wealth?
Darren Gaudry Wealth Building Tips

Darren Gaudry Debt-Busting Plans

Darren Gaudry Says "Separate Debt Guilt from Shame"

Many people are ashamed of their debt and simply hide it. They never cut down on spending and never face the music. Stop Spending, eliminate the debt and then build your wealth.

So I received a letter yesterday that I want to share --

"Dear Darren Gaudry"

Right out of college , my wife and I both landed fairly decent jobs. Newly married and living a single life, we didn't quite watch our spending habits like we should have. Using the credit card to pay for groceries, gas, utility bills and restaurants, we now owe more than $10,000 to XXX XXX bank.

Looking down the road, we're focused on paying off debt and building a savings, but it seems like no matter what we do, we're still drowning in bills. How do build enough wealth to pay off everything and live comfortably?



My first advice is to look at where your money is going. Are you really spending your money on necessary items? Cut the cable bill. Slash that grocery bill. Stop the eating out for a while. There are many things you can do. Save money by diminishing your expenses, and place that extra savings towards debt.

If you haven't seen my last posts, go ahead and read up.

1. Darren Gaudry
2. Darren Gaudry
3. Darren Gaudry

And, check out my Youtube Videos

Darren Gaudry Wealth-Builder also Darren Gaudry Debt-Buster

Darren Gaudry Talks Debt-Busting Today

I  receive many inquiries into wealth building, but I also receive an abundance of emails regarding debt. "Dear Darren Gaudry...I want...I need...wealth...I need to pay cards...high mortgage..."

Far too many people list money and wealth as their ultimate goal yet they are swimming in debt. I began thinking of this so much that I decided to go back to phase I because, what good is making money if you remain broke all the time?

Debt is an enemy. A guy wrote me the other day, "Dear Darren Gaudry, I'm interested in learning how to build wealth so I can pay off my student loans, car loan." People live like kings but have no cushion, no savings, yet they continue to spend. If you don't take hold on it and let it know who's boss, it will overwhelm your life. It becomes a weighted rope around your neck, pulling you deeper into a hole. People like to define in a bunch of different ways but let's define it for what it really is. Debt is spending more of your money than saving it. You spend what you don't have.

It's not all your fault -- businesses have created an environment where they make credit available, at any cost. Even when you can't afford it, you can still buy it. For those of you experiencing this, things must change here and now.

Wealth-Building includes being financially fit so I'm starting on a new journey, from the beginning with banishing Debt.

Join the Darren Gaudry band wagon!

And if you haven't seen my last posts, have a look

1. Darren Gaudry
2. Darren Gaudry

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Are You Motivated to Build Wealth? Here's Another Darren Gaudry Readiness Tip

So, I provided my first wealth building tip must be ready and willing to work - hard. Now understand that the "work" of several categories covered including increasing self-discipline, avoid procrastination and be consistent. There is no easy ride when it comes to making money and building wealth. 

Sure, there may be occasional windfall here or there, but to create a wealth building strategy that you can rely on and that brings in money consistently, well that takes lots of hard work and concentration. 

Self-discipline will help tremendously to keep focused. Keep your eye on the prize and push yourself to work. Realize that you must do whatever to no matter how un-motivated you feel on a particular day. 

If something needs to be done, just suck it up and do it. 

Did You get the First Tip? How about the Second Tip?

Most Important Darren Gaudry Wealth-Building Tip

Everyone inquires about the Darren Gaudry best wealth building tip. Here it is;

Millionaire parents are in the minority, o this wealth building information is really aimed at the guys who grew up middle class, or even destitute but looking to create wealth and improve their lifestyle. 

Although making money is a goal that evades many, many times, viable wealth building techniques is what you want. The main reasons that people are not aggressive in steps towards building their own wealth is because of two things: 1) It takes work, and 2) It takes courage. 

You must be prepared for what you want and take risks in order to get there. Money is no different. 

So, the first Darren Gaudry Wealth Building tip is that you must be ready and willing to work - hard!

If you've been following great; if not, go back and read the first post

Darren Gaudry Wealth Building: Part 1

Darren-Gaudry Wealth Builder Darren Gaudry Shows You How to Step away from the Status-quo
One of the main things that hold back a person from building wealth is changing their current situation. Following the status-quo can be fatal to prosperity efforts.  

Wealth building takes courage and to think in new ways. Today, too many people are sticking to "this is how we've always done it" mentality, but death can be a wealth building strategy. 

If you want to increase revenue, then think outside the box. Do not continue what your parents did - unless they are multi-millionaires. Even if they are, take their wealth building strategy and improve and build upon it; integrate with your own wealth building techniques in their plan for a better way to make money. 

Remember, the world has consistently improved over the decades, because someone had a good idea on how to make a better mousetrap. It's the same with making money. 

So, what’s your next move?